
Panel Discussion | Caricature Collectors in Conversation

Posted in lectures (to attend) by Editor on November 9, 2023

Modified version of Charles Williams, after George Moutard Woodward, The Conclusion of the First Volume of the Caricature Magazine, published by Thomas Tegg, 1807, hand-colored etching.

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Sponsored by The Lewis Walpole Library:

Panel Discussion | Caricature Collectors in Conversation
Sterling Memorial Library, New Haven, Thursday, 16 November 2023, 3pm

Please join us for a panel of distinguished private collectors and print curators for lively conversation about their interests, expertise, and adventures in building their collections of eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century British caricature and satiric prints. They will share stories of discovery and the pursuit of coveted acquisitions, and we will invite their thoughts on the role of appreciation, connoisseurship, and learning that grows along with the collection and the value that they find in engagement with fellow collectors and curators, and in research at library and museum print rooms. The program is free and open to the public.

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