
Battle of New Orleans Historical Symposium, 2024

Posted in conferences (to attend) by Editor on January 5, 2024

From Nunez Community College, with registration available at Eventbrite:

The 9th Annual Battle of New Orleans Historical Symposium
Nunez Community College, Chalmette (New Orleans), 5–6 January 2024

The 9th Annual Battle of New Orleans Historical Symposium will take place January 5th and 6th in Chalmette, Louisiana, at Nunez Community College (on Friday) and at the St. Bernard Council Chambers (on Saturday).

f r i d a y ,  5  j a n u a r y

9.00  Coffee

9.30  Welcome and Opening Remarks — Tina Tinney

Attributed to José Francisco Xavier de Salazar y Mendoza, Portrait of Captain Joseph Bernard Vallière d’Hauterive, ca. 1791–95, oil on canvas (Little Rock: Historic Arkansas Museum). Vallière d’Hauterive was the Grenoble-born commandant of the Arkansas Post from 1787 to 1790; this portrait was likely painted upon his return to New Orleans.

9.45  Morning Talks
• Overview of Battle of New Orleans — William Hyland
• ‘Nothing Pleases Them So Much as the Uniform’: Martial Culture and Military Life in Early Louisiana — Philippe Halbert
• The Past as Prelude: The Impact of Spain and the Galvez Expedition on the American Victory in the Battle of New Orleans — Bradford Waters

12.15  Lunch

1.30  Afternoon Talks
• ‘Pirate City’: Tracing Property Records of Selected Members of Jean Laffite’s Baratarian Pirate Syndicate who Played Prominent Roles in the War Effort of the Winter of 1814–15 — Ina Fandrich
• What if New Orleans had been Taken by the British in 1815? — Harold Youmans

4.00  Wine and Cheese Reception

s a t u r d a y ,  6  j a n u a r y

10.00  Welcome — Katherine Lemoine

10.05  Morning Talks
• A Reminiscence of the Battle of New Orleans by Bernard de Marigny — William Hyland
• Native American Influence in the Battle of New Orleans: Houma Indians in Louisiana — Colleen Billiot
• Scottish Heraldry: A Window into a Culture — Christen Raby Elliot

12.45  Closing Remarks — William Hyland

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